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House Fire in Boddington Crescent

At 9:50pm on Friday 6 May 2005, a fire destroyed my home in Boddington Crescent, Kambah, ACT. Here are some ramblings in the aftermath.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Some of the Workers

On Saturday, 14 May 2005 we used our new-found notoriety to extract some assistance from well-wishers who rashly offered to help us out. Not everyone who turned up got photographed, but their assistance was received with much thanks and gratitude.

Paul, Mark and Julie stack pavers

Ian and Meryl wrestle some garden ornaments into the garage while Hilton looks on

Hilton shifts a planter under Meryl's direction

Michael, Neil and Russell rest after helping to remove 6000 pavers

Michael and Meryl pose for the camera


At Saturday, 28 May, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of lovin' going on here.

Like a hunk-a-hunk of BURNIN' love!

You two are really fortunate to have each other to lean on.


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